Citizens State Bank

A "Hello Spring" advertisement with many pictures of items that are related to spring such as flowers and birds.

Spring into a Totally Free Checking

Open your Totally FREE Checking Account or Any Checking Account Today and score on  a FREE gift. 

 Click here 

Contact us or call  715-386-9050


A beautiful golden sunset across a lush green meadow with a dense forest in the distance.

Sunrise or Sunset

You decide!
We offer lot loans for building your dream home or for recreational purpose. 

A smiling young man taking a selfie as he gives a peace sign with the back drop of the tourist site he has traveled to.

No matter where life takes you...

We are there. Online banking, mobile deposit, bill pay, secure messaging and more.  Enroll today!

Call Us:   715-386-9050
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Sealy Sunrise Clock in place of the sun in the dawn of a morning sunrise.

"Time to Wake Up"

Don't lose sleep over bank fees. We have a totally FREE checking account.  Open one today and get yourself a clock for FREE too. 

Open your account today!

Diverse group of coworkers conversing in a meeting room

Community Events

Take a look at our events and see which ones you can attend!

Community Events

woman using an outdoor ATM

Locate an ATM

Find the closest ATM when you need it the most.

ATM Locations

woman using a laptop and a calculator app on a smartphone

Financial Calculators

Plan ahead by using our calculators.

Financial Calculators