Access your account 24/7
- Fast - Just sign, tap and submit.
- Easy - With just a few simple steps, your deposit is on its way.
- Secure - Your deposits are password protected and encrypted.
- Save time - With Bill Pay, you can pay your bills online, all in one place.
- Save money - Paying bills online saves on postage, envelopes, late fees and checks.
- Stay organized - Your payment history is stored in your online account, so you won't have to sort through paper receipts or visit multiple websites to access past transactions.
- Gain peace of mind - Paying bills electronically means no risk of mailed checks getting lost or stolen.
- Help the environment by saving paper - With Bill Pay, there are no checks to write or envelopes to mail. That's good news for you and the environment.
- Transfer checking/savings to checking/savings account.
- Transfer from your home equity line of credit to your checking/savings account.
- Make a loan payment, including principal only payments to any loan from your checking/savings account.
- Simple - Just add your contact's mobile phone number or email address to get started — no need to be on the same App. After verification, your contact can choose how their payment is delivered.
- Safe - Proactive security, including a one-time password and a real-time fraud detection solution. You create unique security questions only your contact knows.
- Swift - Payments sent in real-time — not in an hour or a day — but right away. You can also set up recurring payments to be delivered on the same-day, the next-day, or designate a future date.
- Reduce fraud -Your actual card number is not stored in your digital wallet and never used when you make a purchase.
- Save time - Most purchases take just seconds to complete.
- Make contactless payments - You can make safe, touch-free transaction with your cards.
Add your Citizens State Bank cards to Apple Pay or Google Pay.
- You can create a budget, monitor expenses, and set goals.
- It also allow you to track your upcoming bills and income and enable you to view all your accounts in one convenient location.
- Activate - Did you get a new card? Go in and activate your card(s).
- Hold Status - Did you miss place your card? Put a "hold" on your card to give you a chance to find it.
- Lost or Stolen - Immediately turn off access to your card. Don't forget to order a new card.
- Also sign up for electronic 1098 and 1099 tax statements.
- There are even some loan statements available electronically too!
- It's Personal - See the name and picture of the person assisting you.
- It's Secure - Every conversation is fully encrypted.
- It's Easy - This feature is built right into your online and mobile banking.
- Organize the order of your accounts.
- Change how much information you want to view.
- Organize the information in a way that works best for you.
- Make it your own by replacing the initials with a photo.
- Add an Account by choosing the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner.
- Select Add an Account.
- Double click on Add an Account.
- You will now be able to add another Account.